Alpine is waiting for an interim/transition pastor to lead us into Phase 2 of the call process. Which is the selection of a Transition Team. The following is an article from Christ Lutheran’s “Christ Alive!” newsletter.


Call Committee, Transition Team:

Why do we need both?


In recent years, ELCA congregations and synods have been revising the congregational call process, essentially dividing the traditional work of the Call Committee into two distinct phases. The self-study groundwork formally done by a Call Committee is now done by a Transition Team, prior to the Call Committee being formed. Self-study take a lot of energy and care. The Transition Team commits to engaging unique tasks during pastoral transition. It is a time of high challenge for any congregation: a time for self-assessment, and a time for visioning and recommitment to mission and ministry. The overall goal is to bring the congregation into a state of readiness to move forward under leadership of a new minister. The Transitions Team’s groundwork allows a Call Committee to move forward in the call process with new energy and joy


The Transitions Team engages in the self-study process by intentionally looking at who the congregation has been and is now, and who God is calling the community to be in the future.  The self-study creates a roadmap for the congregation and the Call Committee, acknowledging all aspects of the congregation’s identity for the sake of the future.


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