Hearing from God
Have you seen recent reports that Bible sales in the U.S. increased by 22% through October over last year? This by itself is remarkable, even more so considering that overall book sales over the same period have increased by only 1%.
Why is that? Publishers and purchasers quoted attribute some of the growth to new designs and marketing to specific demographic groups. No surprise there. But some of the growth is coming from people, especially among younger generations, who are looking for something solid to hold onto in times of turbulence and rapid change.
I find this encouraging. There has been no greater influence in my life than hearing from God through His Word. The Bible comforts, challenges, connects, and compels in ways and measures that are unmatched. Much of my engagement with the Bible has been in and through the church. But for many of these newer readers, it may take a different path. If they are starting on their own, I hope and pray that they will soon find guidance to hear from God in the presence of other people. In intentional groups, in worship services, or both.
We are nearing our celebration of Christmas, the birth of God with us, Jesus of Nazareth, the Word made flesh who lived among us. For any who are seeking to hear or open to hearing from God, here is a time when the world’s hunger, God’s provision and the calendar converge.
We’ll gather at Alpine on Christmas Eve at 3 and 7 p.m. I look forward to gathering with you to hear again a story that never grows old, of God’s love that holds us from before we were born and that never ends. But don’t just take my word for it. You can hear it directly from God.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Don Wink