Homecoming Sunday, September 8th


God has made a home with us in and through Jesus. And God promises to renew creation and dwell among us forever (Revelation 21). Between those two experiences of homecoming, God is at home within and among us through the Holy Spirit. Every time we gather is a homecoming as God’s people. So it is fitting for us to use “Homecoming” for our theme as we return to the more active months of the church year.


Join us in worship September 8th as we begin our program year. It’s a great time to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. And it’s a great time to invite newcomers and to widen existing networks.


We will begin (or restart) the following ministries on or shortly after

September 8th:


Children’s Church


Bell Choir

Wednesday or Thursday morning Bible Study (new)

Tuesday Breakfast Bible Study

Thursday evening Bible and Brew

Confirmation (in collaboration with other ELCA churches)

And possibly even more


I look forward to seeing you again, or to meeting you for the first time.


Grace and Peace,


Pastor Don Wink



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