The Spiritual Housing Market


Anyone looking to buy a home lately has found rising prices and shrinking inventory. (I know, those two things are usually correlated.) Even relatively high borrowing costs have not done much to reduce demand. When there is not enough of something to go around, prices remain high until supply catches up.


The spiritual housing market doesn’t seem to follow the same dynamics. Last Sunday was Homecoming Sunday at Alpine. In the sermon I described how many years ago I realized that home for me was not a place, not people, but God. Our origin is in God, our eternity is in God. And every moment in between belongs to God, whether we realize it or not.


But there are plenty of alternatives on the spiritual housing market. Not all have the formal structure or established neighborhood of world religions. Some would say that the way to go is to live as nomads, not staying too long in any one place. Others may live in the shadow of God as home while choosing options that promise more, better, smarter, stronger, richer, thinner, more influential, etc. With such an abundant supply of spiritual options, what happens to the value of God as our home?


Thankfully, God values us enough to have made His home within and among us, and has paid the full price for us to reside with Him. There is no outstanding mortgage, and interest rates have no impact on us.


I’ll see you at home.


Pastor Don


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