Rekindling Our Faith in God


Spring is here!  It is time to get back out of the house and experience the renewal of God’s creation. Spring often conjures up all sorts of images of new life. The grass turns green, the birds return with their singing, and the flowers bloom once again.  All around us we see signs how God brings forth life from the cold season of winter.  God’s creation isn’t the only thing that can be revitalized this Spring.  Our faith can also be revitalized as we encounter the power of Easter once again.


I recently read a blog post where the author encouraged us to Worship Unashamedly.  They wrote “If I place a frozen steak next to a blazing fire and leave it there, it will thaw. When? I don’t know. But I do know it will eventually. When we worship God, we are placing our frozen hearts next to the all-consuming fire. I promise you your heart too will eventually thaw.” Too often we close our lives off in regret, disappointment, and bitterness.  We worship God either reluctantly or because we are supposed to.  God’s word is often encouraging us to worship God with our whole hearts – with everything we have.  We are told to not hold back, to not go through the motions, to not worry about what others think or say.  But simply put our passion into worshiping God.  It will do wonders for our faith.


Here are some more ways to rekindle your faith.


  1. Pray for a burning heart until you have it.
  2. Keep a journal of answered prayers.
  3. Be surrounded by people who are passionate about God.
  4. Remember God’s faithfulness in the past.
  5. Give back to God.
  6. Practice your faith through actions.
  7. Hold on to God’s promises.
  8. Get Rid of the Negative
  9. Talk to God.
  10. Preach the Gospel to Yourself
  11. Share the Gospel with Someone Else
  12. Worship Unashamedly
  13. Pray Until You Fall in Love



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